Digital edition
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Gebhard Ullmann
Afrika Variationen
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 24
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


The first scetches of this composition go back to the late 80s. Back than - after returning from a tour through Eastern Africa - I wrote down a melody in Gb major pentatonic and in 12/8.
It went through many metamorhosises till I finally decided to completely revise it.
I came up with a new composition, new countermelodies, different keys and rhythms and other abstracting techniques using what is called Verfremdungseffekt.
Originally meant to be an encore for a string quartet when performing my string quartet music it turned out to be a beautiful piece of its own.
The sound sample is included just to give you an idea.
It is a demo version as being played by Sibelius using the Vienna Symphonic Library.
More information
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 24