Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


Ramon Humet
Bim bom
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 28
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


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This notebook of 12 very easy traditional Catalan songs for piano four hands is aimed at all those children who are starting their piano studies.
The first pieces use a fixed position of the hand and distribution of the melody or the accompaniment between the two hands, making it much easier to achieve the piece.
The index of songs are:
- La lluna, la pruna (The Moon, the Plum)
- El ruquet valent (The Brave Little Donkey)
- Bim bom (Bim bom)
- Cançó de les mentides (Song of Lies)
- El rabadà (The Shepherd Boy)
- Ara ve Nadal (Christmas is Coming)
- El gegant del pi (The Giant of the Pine)
- Els putxinel·lis (The Puppets)
- Rossinyol (Nightingale)
- El ball de la civada (The Oat Dance)
- La llàntia del rei moro (The Lamp of the Moorish King)
- Muntanyes regalades (Beloved Mountains)
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Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 28