Digital edition
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Günther Zechberger
Flöte (unvergessen)
Type: Stimme
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 16
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


"Avantgarde Tirol" was an important institution of the musical avant-garde in Tyrol for many years. I am still grateful for the commission from "Avantgarde Tirol" to write for Harry Sparnaay (1944 - 2017) and the HET Trio. After all, this commission enabled me to have a productive collaboration with a great musician. In one of the very inspiring preliminary discussions for "unvergessen", Harry Sparnaay suggested to use the alto clarinet in E-flat as a lyrical and poetic complement to the bass clarinet. This was wish, advice and enrichment at the same time: "unvergessen" for flute, bass clarinet / alto clarinet in E flat and piano.
A heavy blow of fate almost prevented the completion of the work - the composition got a crack, the title valid until then became obsolete, "unvergessen" offered itself as an alternative. "unvergessen" was premiered in September 2000 by the HET Trio in Schwaz/Tyrol.
Harry Sparnaay is no more - "unvergessen" remains a deep bow to this great musician and human being.
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Type: Stimme
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 16