Digital edition
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Arturo Rodríguez
Frauenchor (Flight to Eternity)
Type: Chorpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 4
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


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In January 2023 I received the toughest request to compose a work. My dear friend David Zambrano, who is single handedly responsible for supporting my music career since I was 15 years old and who's sponsorship helped me leave my home country of México and study music abroad, found out that he had a very aggressive cancer and wanted me to compose a work of music for him. What followed was a series of phone calls and messages that resulted on this work for solo piano, symphony orchestra and female choir. David, who is not a musician, became a creative partner suggesting style of music, length and even instrumentation. Even the title of the work, which I originally named "David's Flight" was changed to "Flight to Eternity" by David's request.
David is no longer with us but I'm extremely grateful that he got to hear this work and that, according to him, gave him comfort during the hard times of his battle against cancer.
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Type: Chorpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 4