

Georg Friedrich Haas
Haas: "... über den Atem, die Stille und die Zerbrechlichkeit...", für 7 Blechblasinstrumente
Type: Partitur
Format: 250 x 340 mm
Pages: 40


The acoustic qualities of brass instruments have led me to employ a harmonic system which takes into account the intervallic structure of the overtone series (also its differences from the twelve-tone tempered scale) and which is based on combination tones and narrow interval steps. Oscillations and slow glissandi which move within the smallest possible intervals play a prominent role in the composition.
Since the performers have a major say in decisions affecting duration, the length of the piece may vary but should be at least 20 to 25 minutes.
Georg Friedrich Haas
More information
Type: Partitur
Format: 250 x 340 mm
Pages: 40