

Leoš Janáček
Janácek: The Cunning Little Vixen
Interpretationshinweise von: Sir Charles Mackerras
Übersetzer: Norman Tucker Max Brod
Herausgeber: Jiří Zahrádka
Dichter der Textvorlage: Rudolf Tesnohlidek
Klavierauszug von: Bretislav Bakala
Libretto von: Leoš Janáček
Release info: Based on the critcal edition by Jirí Zahrádka.
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Series: Neue Dirigierpartituren-Reihe
Languages: Deutsch | Englisch | Tschechisch
Format: 250 x 340 mm
ISBN: 9783702474263
Pages: 504
ISMN: 979-0-008-08755-4


This edition of Das schlaue Füchslein (The Cunning Little Vixen) has been made by comparing all the relevant surviving sources and establishing a version of the work that comes nearest to the composer’s intention.
The new edition, which was edited by Jiří Zahrádka, is thus based above all on of the version given at the premiere in Brno in 1924, including František Neumann’s (the conductor) fully elaborated, detailed dynamics. In cases where several minor changes in the Prague version appear to be justified, they were considered in the new edition. The New Critical Edition of the opera includes the full score, the complete orchestra material, as well as the piano vocal score and choir score.
The tale of the free-thinking and crafty vixen Bystrouška goes back to the 1890s. In the beginning were the tiny sketches of the painter and forester Stanislav Lolek (1873–1936), a distinguished landscape artist. The story of Bystrouška was serialized in Lidové noviny from 7 April to 23 June 1920 and had a huge success. The merry and immediately accessible drawings with a witty and topical text found a readership throughout the entire social spectrum. It is certainly true that Janáček began considering composing an opera on this theme since he acquired cuttings of all the episodes in Lidové noviny. And in fact, as soon as Janáček completed the work on Katja Kabanowa he immediately started on Das schlaue Füchslein. The dates on the autograph show that he began composition as early as January 1922. The author of the literary model Těsnohlídek got the news only indirectly that Janáček wanted to compose an opera on his text. The composer himself invited him to come and see him at the time when he was already working on the opera.
Meanwhile Janáček composed, and started out on his study of nature to a whole series of bird notations – of thrushes, sparrows, finches and blackbirds. He wrote down notations for doves, a little toad, and a frog with the instrumental comment ‘like a xylophone’. He also noticed animals and took down in his notebook his impressions of walks in the game reserve, where the forester even tracked down a vixen’s den with young so that the composer could observe and study them. No wonder that several of Janáček’s newspaper reviews in Lidové noviny in the years 1921– 1922 had animal motifs.
Meanwhile frantic negotiations broke out over who would publish the composer’s latest work. As in the case of Jenůfa, Die Ausflüge des Herrn Brouček and Katja Kabanowa, interest was shown essentially by two publishers: Hudební matice in Prague and Universal Edition in Vienna. The first to approach the composer was Hudební matice, but, as before, Janáček used this offer rather as a tactic to firm up his dealings with Universal Edition. The contract with Universal Edition was signed between March and April 1924.
The celebrated world premiere of the opera Příhody lišky Bystroušky (Die Abenteuer des Füchsleins Schlaukopf) took place in the Brno theatre Na Hradbách on 6 November 1924. The reception was tremendous and the composer himself was happy with the staging by Ota Zítek and the set design by Eduard Milén (who also designed the cover of the piano vocal score).
The composer himself characterized the opera as a forest idyll, one that would awaken the notion of the unity of life – both human and animal.
Uvod / Vorwort / Preface
Jednàni I / Akt I / Act I
Jednàni II / Akt II / Act II
Promena / Verwandlung / Scene change
More information
Release info: Based on the critcal edition by Jirí Zahrádka.
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Series: Neue Dirigierpartituren-Reihe
Languages: Deutsch | Englisch | Tschechisch
Format: 250 x 340 mm
ISBN: 9783702474263
Pages: 504
ISMN: 979-0-008-08755-4