Digital edition
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Matthias Winkler
Kinderchor (Noah)
Type: Chorpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 24
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


At all times, people have denied dangers they saw coming, suppressed them. In an enlightened world, one can assume that Noah not only recognised the danger of a great flood on divine advice, but simply interpreted the signs of the times correctly.
What appears to be a great, unforeseeable catastrophe had obviously been looming for a long time and so it happened that clairvoyant people like Noah saw the danger coming and took appropriate countermeasures.
Thus, what happened back then was probably quite comparable to the problems we have today (greenhouse effect, water shortage, etc.).
The present musical play, which is well suited for primary school children from grade 1, follows the biblical text quite strictly, but is extended by some characters (trout, dog, cat) who comment on the events and thus make them more understandable for the children.
These can be omitted without further ado.
The people are amused by the far-sighted Noah because he begins to build a ship (ark) in the middle of the land. (Scene 4) When he warns them of a big rain they say:
"It has never happened before that it rained so much ... So it can't happen!", an attitude that is still often found today. (5th mocking song: "yes, driving a boat is twice as nice on water". In 11. the Flood is depicted by beating on woodblocks. As the water rises, people try to save themselves in all sorts of ways, but in the end they perish. The ending under a rainbow seems cheesy, but it is part of the original text.
This story is used in a similar way in several Hollywood films set in the near future. Often it is again a ship etc. in which a few people escape the catastrophe.
More information
Type: Chorpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 24