Digital edition
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Christian Dimpker
N. 26 Sphären » Schweben
Type: Noten
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 50
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


Sphären » Schweben is an attempt to overcome orchestral sound production. The string instruments only appear as mere shadows of their former self. They are transformed, dissected, become a tornado of microparticles, step back into this world through loudspeakers and mirrors. The capabilities of the instrumentalists are employed in a new manner – for the destruction of their instruments, to transform music to light or to play metal plates. Not only the instrumental tones are doomed to die, death is also closing in on instruments as tone distorters. Music continues to progress; into abstract worlds. Notation is becoming a vehicle for the visual arts, for electroacoustics, for motion – for actionism. Traditionalism may only delay this development, but cannot stop it. We need a new world, a new music and a sound beyond outdated concert houses.
4 violins I (V. I), 3 violins II (V. II), 3 violas (Va), 2 violoncellos (Vc.), 2 contrabasses (Kb.), 8 cymbals I (Bck. I), 8 cymbals II (Bck. II)
Audio effects/synthesis
Filters (Flt.), reverberation (Rvb), ring modulation (RM), phase vocoder (Voc.), frequency modulation (FM), delay (Dly), distortion (Dist.)
More information
Type: Noten
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 50