Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


Philippe MABBOUX
Type: Noten
Difficulty: 6
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 104
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


Audio preview
PIANO SOLO Vol. I is the first volume of the edition of the piano pieces that I have composed throughout my life as a composer.
This first volume is devoted to 10 pieces composed for my concerts or for educational purposes. I have deliberately arranged them from the most recent to the oldest.
A working audio version of each song is available on Soundcloud and Youtube.
Each piece is edited separately.
Track listing:
1) Tourbillons
2)En tout bien tout honneur
3) Ici et maintenant
4) A la croisée des chemins...
5) Au fil de l'eau
6) Variations chromatiques
7) Neiges éternelles
8) Prelude en re mineur
9) Rêverie
10) Quai n°3, 16h35
A fan of improvisation since adolescence, these pieces were, for the most part, born quickly during improvisations that I had the desire and the courage to put down on paper before the notes evaporated and disappeared. like too often!
All these pieces have stylistic common points:
- - a harmonic search mixing classic chords and other more dissonant ones,
- the integration, most often discreet, in the same piece, of several different influences or references (baroque, classical, jazz, pop, etc.),
- - a musical discourse that is always melodic, coherent and expressive,
- - an implementation of irregular rhythms within traditional measures,
- - a playing technique playing a lot on dynamics, the highlighting of accented notes.
This is why all these pieces require good technique and a certain physical commitment.
This repertory is managed by SACEM (French copyright society).
If you have the opportunity to perform in concert or record these pieces, don't forget to make a declaration so that the rights claimed from you reach the composer!
Hoping that the discovery of this collection will give you as much pleasure as its creation gave me.
More information
Type: Noten
Difficulty: 6
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 104