Digital edition
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Annamaria Kowalsky
Sei solo la luce
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 12
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


Sei solo la Luce is a piece for solo violin and electronics. It was commissioned by Norwegian violinist Ingerine Dahl to work as a multimedia piece in combination with her "light suit" which works in reaction to the music played.
The piece starts with a reminiscence of Bach’s Chaconne, identical in its formal and harmonical structure, but with time diffusing more and more into an abstract sonic architecture. The music mimics the slowly increasing size of a space, with electronically triggered sonic elements reflecting off the played music. This should emphasize the element of thought and the expansion of time when emerging oneself into an idea. The thought transforms into a feeling, a sensual notion.
When thinking about Bach, Bach turns into an interpretation, Bach is never pure, but coloured and influenced by the vessel which perceives, realizes and performs.
This piece is the expansion of a thought about Bach and his chaconne, a very individual and abstract impression, like a portrait which is blurred or a landscape perceived through fog.
This piece can optionally be played with organ. A base has been notated in the score and can be improvised on.
Sei solo la luce was premiered by Ingerine Dahl and Nils Erik Asheim in Stavanger (Norway) in 2023.
More information
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 12