Digital edition
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Hikaru Suzuki
Wälder der Erinnerung
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 28
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


During that time, Hikaru Suzuki once again lost her dog, and her many efforts to compose a piece were unsuccessful.
One day, she had the opportunity to attend a singing concert, and she felt her senses react deeply to a single note played by Yasuko, who was accompanying the singer.
From that moment on, she could feel it start to move to the right at the head.
This was the sign that a piece was coming, and so this piece was born.
It was dedicated to Yasuko.
1. Der Waldsee erinnert sich an die vergangenen Zeiten
2. Unruhige Kreaturen
3. Der Himmel fing an, in f-Moll zu singen
4. Gelb-grüner Nachmittag mit Gewitterstimmung
5. Der Baum, der beim Betrachten der Sterne an jemanden denkt
6. Der Wald versuchte, sein Bestes zu tanzen
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Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 28