Digital edition
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William Susman
When Medicine Got It Wrong
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 16
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


Audio preview
When Medicine Got It Wrong is a suite for piano from the documentary film score. This suite was arranged by composer and pianist Francesco Di Fiore for live performance-to-picture of video created by Valeria Di Matteo.
When Medicine Got it Wrong, a film by Katie Cadigan and Laura Murray, is the groundbreaking story of loving parents who rocked the halls of psychiatry, changing how we understand schizophrenia.
A note from Francesco Di Fiore:
As a pianist and composer, I had the unique opportunity to collaborate with renowned American composer William Susman. Following a fortuitous encounter in the Netherlands, I began to delve deeper into his work, particularly the soundtracks for the films When Medicine Got It Wrong and Balancing Acts.
Fascinated by the significant role of the piano in these works, I conceived the Pianosequenza project, a series of video concerts dedicated to cinematic music. The synergy between music and visuals, created by video artist Valeria Di Matteo, profoundly enriched the listening experience, offering a new interpretive dimension to Susman's compositions. Drawing on imagery from the original documentaries, Valeria selected the most evocative and representative clips, enhancing them with her editing, transitions, effects, and loops. By treating these visual elements as musical patterns, she crafted a video narrative that complemented the music as if the visuals were a second instrument accompanying the piano.
With Susman's authorization, I dedicated myself to transcribing and arranging these orchestral works for solo piano. A demanding yet rewarding endeavor, it required an intense dialogue with the composer and tested my interpretive abilities. The resulting suites, paired with Di Matteo's innovative video work, offer a unique perspective on Susman's compositions, creating a multifaceted experience that intertwines sound and imagery.
The suite When Medicine Got It Wrong was subsequently recorded on the album Pianosequenza for Zefir Records, helping to spread Susman's work and highlighting the role of the piano in film music.
-Francesco Di Fiore
More information
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 16