Ulf-Diether Soyka
3 Chiromantische Septimen-Konzertetüden für Klavier
Duration: 6'
3 Chiromantische Septimen-Konzertetüden für Klavier
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Work introduction
Three seventh etudes for piano, from: Chiromantic Concert Etudes for Piano
Advanced piano etudes, which have been successfully used on CD, in the concert hall and as compulsory pieces in competitions (e.g. in the ÖKB/AUME Piano Competition 2001 and several times in Prima la Musica). Seventh parallels are practised here (quasi instead of the traditional third and sixth parallels). The melody is catchy (advanced students can play the pieces well from memory). The piano is played exclusively on the keyboard. The chords are twelve-tone cadential and modulatory in concordant sevenths. The rhythm in the first piece is characterised by 5/8 time, the second étude is calm and the seventh steps form the melody here. The third étude has a jazzy, relaxed effect at a high tempo. All three pieces bring out special pianistic playing techniques in a new way. The first and especially the third can also be used as very virtuoso encore pieces.
The first version of the notation was produced by the great music patron University Professor of Physics Dr James Lowe (Birmingham). The brilliant recording of the 3rd Edtude heard here was played by Alma Sauer, the wonderful pianist and piano professor at the Vienna University of Music.
What is necessary to perform this work?
The piano is played on the traditional keys.