Brais González
5 seres mitolóxicos galegos
Duration: 6'
This piece was commissioned by Soncello (Galician Cellists' Association) for the 2021 edition of its Soncello Competition.
This suite pays tribute to several traditional folk characters of Galician folklore. These are their stories:
Muller cerva - A beautiful young princess who one day became an incredible white doe.
Lobo da Xente - One of the many names given to werevolves in Galicia.
Demiños - Little household demons, the cause of the little mischiefs that happen in every household.
Olláparo - An anthropophagous giant with only one eye in the middle of its forehead, rude and very wild who lives in caves in the forests.
Raposa do Aire - A flying female fox that travels through every place a person who is about to die walks through.