Wolfgang Rihm
Am Horizont
Duration: 5'
Dedication: Mauricio Kagel zum 60. Geburtstag
Instrumentation details:
Translation, reprints and more
Wolfgang Rihm
Rihm: Am Horizont for violin, cello and accordionOrchestration: for violin, cello and accordion
Type: Spielpartitur
Dedicated to Mauricio Kagel on his 60th birthday, this work requires the three instruments to be positioned as far as possible from one another on the stage, transmitting quiet messages to one another from the distance. Most of them consist of one, sustained pitch, then a little more – but the music remains extremely transparent and airy, pianissimo and triple-piano (apart from a few triple-fortes and triple-forte sforzati). Rihm describes the end like a dream, the violinist making a silent, beckoning gesture and the other players cupping their hands to their harkening ears.
Translation © 2012 by Grant Chorley