Katarzyna Brochocka
Bangladeszcz / Rain-Thump
Short instrumentation: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0, str
Duration: 7'
Instrumentation details:
violin I
violin I
violin I
violin I
violin I
violin II
violin II
violin II
violin II
double bass
Bangladeszcz / Rain-Thump
Translation, reprints and more

Katarzyna Brochocka
RegenschlägtOrchestration: für Streichkammerorchester
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Sample pages
Work introduction
The musical form in the piece is "circular", which resembles the spiral, present both in the stormy tornado and in drawings based on Fibonacci's sequence. Instruments join together gradually, in groups (vn I) and in soloistic elements we can hear from members of second violins (vn II). Motifs spread, split in divisi for smaller collections of notes, grace notes, glissandi, and bowing techniques, with pizzicato being a symbolic realization of "Bangla" - the rainy language of drops, thumps, and cracks (col legno) or various wind noise (arco). Music goes fast, and suddenly, at times seems predictable, while dancing for unexpected smash.
Bangladeszcz takes the title from the sound of the rain, and its "language". Initially, the humorous wordplay connected with the name of the country (Bangladesh). In Polish, the word "desh" is phonetically a very near-sounding word to "deszcz" - the rain. "Bangla" - is also a short slang expression of the fact that something works, as well as the fact that something is strong. Trying to give the listener the closest possible match I have chosen the name "Regenschlägt" in German. I've decided to use the "Rain-thump" in English to express the possibility of danger which is also an aspect of nourishing rain.
29.10.2006 VII Ryszard Bukowski Music Days, Aula Leopoldina (Wroclaw),
/ Leopoldinum Orchestra, cond. Wojciech Rodek (NFM Chamber Orchestra)
What is necessary to perform this work?
Bangladeszcz / "Rain-thump" - is a piece for fifteen (15) string players: 5 - violins I (vn I), 4- violins II (vn II), 3 violas (vl), 2 cellos (vc) , and 1 double bass (cb). It can also be performed with an additional double bass player (then this part is doubled, only double stops are to be split between bassists).
Parts differ. So for 1st violins - all players have a bit different part, similarly to the other groups (2nd vn, vl, vc)
"Bangladeszcz" - to utwór na piętnaście (15) smyczków: 5 - skrzypiec I (vn I), 4 skrzypiec II (vn II), 3 altówki (vl), 2 wiolonczele (vc) i 1 kontrabas (cb). Można go również wykonać z dodatkowym kontrabasistą (wtedy ta część jest dublowana, tylko dwudźwięki dzielone są między kontrabasistami).
Partie różnią się w ramach poszczególnych grup. Czyli np. w partii I skrzypiec - wszyscy wykonawcy (5) mają nieco inną partię, podobnie jak w innych grupach (vn II, vl, vc).