Matthias Winkler
Der Fliehende
Duration: 124'
Libretto von: Matthias Winkler
Der Fliehende
Translation, reprints and more

Matthias Winkler
Der FliehendeType: Dirigierpartitur
Language: Deutsch

Matthias Winkler
Der FliehendeType: Klavierauszug
Language: Deutsch
Sample pages
Work introduction
When I began work on this opera a good five years ago, I could not have imagined the sad topicality it would have when it was completed.
This is an opera about war.
A great dialogue.
Two strangers.
He has to hide.
Then he wants to go on.
But that will not happen.
They talk.
Necessary things at first.
At some point "Die Alte" begins to tell her story.
Then "The Fugitive" does too.
Soldiers keep coming. They are looking for him. But the hiding place is good.
Suddenly the door opens: Thank God, only one neighbour: "Willi".
With the cuts indicated under vi-de, the playing time is 105 minutes.
To get to know the piece, you can find an inspection copy of the score and the piano reduction under Sample Pages.
What is necessary to perform this work?
The singers
Stefan, tenor
The old woman, mezzo-soprano
The Fugitive, baritone
Willi, bass
1st soldier, tenor
2nd soldier, bass (+ Willi ad lib.)
Some singers as a choir e.g. from the orchestra
The Orchestra
(17 players)
4 violins
4 violas
4 violoncellos
4 double basses
2 of them with low B-string
(best played by amateurs)
transposing notation. Instrument of the player's choice.
The part of "Willi" can very well be taken over by the "2. Soldat".
This "Chorus" is by no means the opera chorus. Think of a scattered bunch of villagers. For that, 7 people may be quite enough. The men in particular are few and old (the young ones are in the war, after all). This can also be taken over by a small church choir. There you will usually also find the intended average age.
Very well, it can also be taken over by 6 - 12 members of the orchestra.
They do not have to leave the orchestra pit to sing. It should be sufficient for them to turn around and sing towards the stage. They can see the conductor's signs on the monitor placed there.