Frank Martin
Le Vin herbé
Duration: 90'
Übersetzer: Frank Martin
Dichter der Textvorlage: Joseph Bédier
Text bearbeitet von: Rudolf Georg Binding
Choir: Kammerchor
Die Mutter der Isot
Alt Isot die Blonde
Sopran Brangäne
Mezzosopran Isot die Weißhändige
Alt Tristan
Tenor Kaherdin
Tenor Marke
Bariton 2 kleine Partien stumme Rollen
Instrumentation details:
1. vln, 2. vln, 1. vla, 2. vla, 1. vc, 2. vc, cb, pno
Martin - Le Vin herbé for 12 voices, 7 strings and piano
Translation, reprints and more

Frank Martin
Le Vin herbéOrchestration: for 12 singers, 7 string instruments and piano
Type: Noten

Frank Martin
Martin: Le Vin herbé (Der Zaubertrank)Orchestration: für 12 Singstimmen, 7 Streicher und Klavier
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Language: Französisch

Frank Martin
Martin: Le vin herbé (The Potion) for 12 singers (chamber choir) and instrumental ensembleOrchestration: for 12 singers (chamber choir) and instrumental ensemble
Type: Klavierauszug
Language: Deutsch | Französisch
Sample pages
Audio preview
Work introduction
“A Tristan with a difference” – that was how the critic of the Neues Österreich newspaper described Frank Martin’s Le Vin herbé (The Magic Potion) after the first staged performance of this secular oratorio at the 1948 Salzburg Festival. The concert version had already been premièred six years previously in Zurich. In its more than 60-year history Le Vin herbé (based on Joseph Bédier’s novel Tristan and Iseult) has enjoyed countless concert performances and several staged productions. In recent years it has been seen as a chamber opera in Zurich, Paris and Berlin.