Christian Dimpker
N. 09 Struktur / Hinter den Kulissen
Duration: 14'
N. 09 Struktur / Hinter den Kulissen
Translation, reprints and more

Christian Dimpker
N. 09 Struktur / Hinter den KulissenOrchestration: Für Ensemble
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Sample pages
Work introduction
Struktur is not divided by movements. However, in fact, major structures alternate with each other. The form of the piece is created by defining certain sound groups / techniques, exploring them in a serial manner, creating interconnections and gradually replacing them in the course of the work. The piece can be considered as one of my few sonic adventures that focuses solely on acoustic instruments. However, through Hinter den Kulissen (Germ. "Behind the scenes") an unusual twist is added to the story. This version of the work can be described as the performance of the rehearsal process of Struktur, which may take place over several days. It brings the normally invisible onto the stage and thus questions the hierarchisation of the circumstances. Hinter den Kulissen is deeply inspired by Chantal Akerman's Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, a cinematic-feminist masterpiece of the 20th century.
Concert flute (Fl.), oboe (Ob.), Bb clarinet (Kl.), bassoon (Fg.), F horn (Hr.), trumpet (Tr.), trombone (Ps.), tuba (Tb.), harp (Hf.), piano (Kl.), violin (V.), viola (Va.), violoncello (Vc.), contrabass (Kb.)