David Bedford
Short instrumentation: 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 0 0, str.quart
Duration: 2'
Text von: Robert Louis Stevenson
Dedication: To John Nicholson and Gordonstown School as a small tribute for "The Death of Baldur"
Choir: SSAB
Instrumentation details:
1st flute
2nd flute
1st oboe
2nd oboe
1st clarinet in Bb
2nd clarinet in Bb
1st bassoon
2nd bassoon
1st horn in F
2nd horn in F
1st trumpet in Bb
2nd trumpet in Bb
1st violin
2nd violin
Translation, reprints and more
David Bedford
Bedford: Requiem for soprano soloist, ssab choir and orchestraOrchestration: for soprano soloist, ssab choir and orchestra
Type: Partitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)