Beat Furrer
Retour an Dich
Duration: 14'
Instrumentation details:
Translation, reprints and more
Beat Furrer
Furrer: Retour an Dich for violin, cello and pianoOrchestration: for violin, cello and piano
Type: Stimmensatz
This is ascetic, introverted music. Instead of opening, unfolding, the fragments which constitute it convey to listeners a sense of the ideas and feelings they contain. If the music seems cold (except for some gentle, lyrically suggestive sections), that surely has to do with the image in the composer’s mind as he worked: “I speak of shards of glass, shining like pearls on the river bottom which again and again awaken our longing, where we step down ever again to retrieve them, only to find that they are merely shards of glass when we see them on the surface.”