Digital edition
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Philippe MABBOUX
gemischter Chor (LE BLUES DU VACANCIER!)
Type: Chorpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 16
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


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The lyrics of this piece composed in 1990 are made from the simple and optimistic texts that vacationers write on postcards. As a result, the title does not come from the lyrics (because vacationers are far from having the Blues except at the end of the vacation!) but from the musical writing which it look like a Blues.
I deliberately chose to write the piece in a “classical” way, in 12/8, rather than in “jazz” writing in 4/4 so that all the singers have the same rhythm. I posted a working version on YouTube with a scrolling score to make it easier to learn the piece.
In this choir sung a cappella, there is a lot of work on phrasing, nuances, accuracy, balance between the 4 voices and it requires good cohesion of the vocal ensemble. Everything is specified on the partition revised in 2024.
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Type: Chorpartitur
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 16