Anton Webern
In his book Penser la Musique Aujourd'hui, published in 1963, Pierre Boulez summarised the unique significance of Anton Webern's music for the post-war generation in a few short and concise sentences. Boulez called him the "most important point of orientation" that helped young composers to find their own personality.
Anton Webern Complete Edition
We are very pleased to present to you the long-awaited historical-critical complete edition of Anton Webern's works (AWG), which will be published continuously from 2024 with approximately two volumes per year. This edition dedicated to the important representative of the Second Viennese School has long been a desideratum and is aimed at scholars and musicians alike. It presents a comprehensive publication of his entire oeuvre based on the latest research: In addition to the 31 opus works, which include music-historical milestones such as the Sechs Stücke für großes Orchester op. 6, the Sechs Bagatellen für Streichquartett op. 9 and the Klaviervariationen op. 27, numerous previously unknown versions of these opus works, posthumous trouvailles, study compositions published for the first time from Arnold Schönberg's teaching period and selected sketch materials are also edited.

The following volumes have been published up to now:
Series I Works with opus numbers
Series II: Posthumous compositions and fragments

Anton Webern
Gesamtausgabe, Serie I / Abteilung 5: Klavierlieder