
Richard Strauss
2 LiederOrchestration: for high voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
2 LiederOrchestration: for low voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
2 LiederOrchestration: for medium voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
6 LiederOrchestration: for high voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
6 LiederOrchestration: for low voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
6 LiederOrchestration: for medium voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Hans Erich Apostel
Apostel: 4 Songs for voice and piano - op. 6Orchestration: for voice and piano
Type: Noten

Hans Erich Apostel
Apostel: 5 Songs voice and orchestra - op. 9Orchestration: für Gesang und Orchester
Type: Klavierauszug (Sonderanfertigung)
Language: Deutsch

Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach: 5 Chorale Preludes for voice, clarinet (a), bassethorn (f), bass clarinet (es)Orchestration: for voice, clarinet (a), bassethorn (f), bass clarinet (es)
Type: Partitur und Stimmen
Language: Deutsch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: 3 Village Scenes for 4 or 8 female voices and chamber orchestraOrchestration: for 4 or 8 female voices and chamber orchestra
Type: Klavierauszug
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Slowakisch | Ungarisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: 5 Songs for medium voice and piano - op. 15Orchestration: for medium voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Ungarisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: 5 Village Folk Songs for female voice and pianoOrchestration: for female voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Slowakisch | Ungarisch

David Bedford
Bedford: An Easy Decision for voice and pianoOrchestration: for voice and piano
Type: Noten (Sonderanfertigung)
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

David Bedford
Bedford: Music for Albion Moonlight for soprano and instrumentsOrchestration: for soprano and instruments
Type: Partitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

David Bedford
Bedford: Some Stars Above Magnitude 2.9 for soprano and pianoOrchestration: for soprano and piano
Type: Noten

David Bedford
Bedford: That White and Radiant Legend for soprano, speaker and instrumentsOrchestration: for soprano, speaker and instruments
Type: Partitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

David Bedford
Bedford: The Juniper TreeOrchestration: for soprano, recorder and harpsichord
Type: Partitur (Sonderanfertigung)
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

David Bedford
Bedford: The Tentacles of the Dark Nebula for tenor and stringsOrchestration: for tenor and strings
Type: Partitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: 5 Carols for soprano, alto, tenor, bass or mixed choir (SATB) a cappellaOrchestration: for soprano, alto, tenor, bass or mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Vokalpartitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: BENNETT TENEBRAE ScoreOrchestration: für Bariton und Klavier
Type: Noten (Sonderanfertigung)

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: BENNETT THE MUSIC THAT HER ECHO IS for tenor and pianoOrchestration: for tenor and piano
Type: Noten

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: Nightpiece for soprano and tapeOrchestration: for soprano and tape
Type: Noten

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: Out of Your Sleep for soprano, alto, tenor or bass soloists or satb choirOrchestration: for soprano, alto, tenor and bass or mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: Susanni for soprano, alto, tenor and bass soloists or choirOrchestration: for soprano, alto, tenor and bass or mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)