Choir / voice

Richard Strauss
2 LiederOrchestration: for low voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
2 LiederOrchestration: for high voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
2 LiederOrchestration: for medium voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
6 LiederOrchestration: for high voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
6 LiederOrchestration: for medium voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Richard Strauss
6 LiederOrchestration: for low voice and piano
Type: Noten
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 10: Irish Folksongs for mixed choir (SATB) a cappellaOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 11 French Folksongs for satb choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 12 Scottish Folksongs for ttbb choir and 1 part womens choir, flute, glockenspiel and 2 stringsOrchestration: for male choir (TTABB) and female choir, flute, glockenspieland bass instrument ad lib.
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 13 Czech Folksongs for mixed choir (SATB) a cappellaOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Tschechisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 14 Dutch Folksongs for 3 part upper choir, recorder(s) and stringsOrchestration: for 3 part choir, recorder and strings
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Niederländisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 15 Icelandic Folksongs for sab choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 17 French Folksongs for sa(t)b choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 18 Irish Folksongs for sab choirOrchestration: for 3 part mixed choir (SAB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 19 Portuguese Folksongs for tbarb choir or smsa choir and drumOrchestration: for 3 part choir (SAA/TBB) and drum
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Portugiesisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 2 Scottish Folksongs for tbarb choir, clarinet, timpani and bass instruments ad lib.Orchestration: for 3 part male choir (TBarB), clarinet, timpani and bass instruments ad lib.
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 20 Swedish Folksongs for satb choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Schwedisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 21 Jewish Folksongs for 4-5 part satb and percussion, or 6 part choir satb, or alto, tenor and 4 instrumentsOrchestration: for 6 voice mixed choir (SSATBB), percussion and 4 instruments ad lib.
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Jiddisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 22 French Folksongs for satb choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 23 Irish Folksongs for satb choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 24 Greek Folksongs for soprano solo, smssbar choir and percussionOrchestration: for soprano solo, 3 part choir (SAB) and percussion
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 25 Austrian Folksongs for satb choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 26 Hungarian Folksongs for sab(bar) choirOrchestration: for 3 part mixed choir (SAB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Ungarisch

Anonymus Carmina No. 27 Polish Folksongs for satb choirOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch | Polnisch