
William Babell
Babell: Sonata No. 2 C minor for oboe (violin) and basso continuo (cembalo, bassoon ad lib.)Orchestration: for oboe (violin) and basso continuo (cembalo, bassoon ad lib.)
Type: Noten

Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach: Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord for flute (transverse flute, oboe or violin) and piano (harpsichord)Orchestration: for flute (transverse flute, oboe or violin) and piano (harpsichord)
Type: Noten

Vincenzo Benatti
Benatti: Concerto F major for cor anglais and pianoOrchestration: for cor anglais and piano
Type: Klavierauszug

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Bennett: Conversations for 2 oboesOrchestration: for 2 oboes
Type: Spielpartitur

Henri Birnbach
Birnbach: Sonata D minor for oboe and piano - op. 4Orchestration: for oboe and piano
Type: Noten

Sir Harrison Birtwistle
Birtwistle: Pulse Sampler for oboe and clavesOrchestration: for oboe and claves
Type: Noten

Henri Brod
Brod: Fantasia on the "Mad Scene" from Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor" for oboe and piano - op. 57Orchestration: for oboe and piano
Type: Noten

Giovanni Daelli
Daelli: Fantasia on a Theme from Verdi's "Rigoletto" for oboe and pianoOrchestration: for oboe and piano
Type: Noten

Pierre Danican Philidor
Danican Philidor: Suite No. 1 for 2 flutes (oboes, violins) and basso continuoOrchestration: for 2 flutes (oboes, violins) and basso continuo
Type: Noten

Pierre Danican Philidor
Danican Philidor: Suite No. 3 for 2 flutes (oboes, violins) and basso continuoOrchestration: for 2 flutes (oboes, violins) and basso continuo
Type: Noten

Frederick Delius
Delius: Harmonic Variations for oboe (cor anglais) and pianoOrchestration: for oboe (cor anglais) and piano
Type: Noten

Alexander Wunderer
Diverse 33 Concertante Studies for oboeOrchestration: for oboe
Type: Noten

Diverse A Book of Pieces for Beginners for guitar or 2 guitars (voice with melody instrument)Orchestration: for 2 guitars or guitar and voice or melody instrument
Type: Spielpartitur

Diverse Album of Music for Oboe for oboe (cor anglais, oboe d'amore) and pianoOrchestration: for oboe (cor anglais, oboe d'amore) and piano
Type: Noten

Diverse Christmas Jazz for flute (or violin or oboe or descant recorder) and pianoOrchestration: for flute (or violin or oboe or descant recorder) and piano
Type: Noten

Diverse Essential Repertoire for Oboe for oboe or oboe and pianoOrchestration: for oboe or oboe and piano
Type: Noten

Louis-Antoine Dornel
Dornel: Sonata G major for oboe and basso continuo - aus op. 3Orchestration: for oboe and basso continuo
Type: Noten

Domenico Maria Dreyer
Dreyer: Sonata G minor for oboe and basso continuoOrchestration: for oboe and basso continuo
Type: Noten

Charles Fargues
Fargues: Fantasia on a Theme from Weber's Opera "Der Freischütz" (The Marksman) for oboe and piano - op. 7Orchestration: for oboe and piano
Type: Noten

Franz Wilhelm Ferling
Ferling: 18 Studies for oboe - op. 12Orchestration: for oboe
Type: Noten