
Tilmann Dehnhard
16 MiniaturesOrchestration: for descant recorder and CD or piano accompaniment
Type: Noten mit CD

Anonymus Heidschi bumbeidschi for sa(a)b(bo soloists or choirOrchestration: for solo voices or 3(4) voice choir
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch

Anonymus Heidschi bumbeidschi for sa(a)b(bo soloists or choirOrchestration: for sa(a)b(bo soloists or choir
Type: Spielpartitur

Anonymus Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho for flexible ensembleOrchestration: for flexible ensemble
Type: Partitur und Stimmen

Anonymus Of when the Saints for flexible ensembleOrchestration: for flexible ensemble
Type: Partitur und Stimmen

Anonymus Swing low, Sweet Chariot for flexible ensembleOrchestration: for flexible ensemble
Type: Partitur und Stimmen
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

George Arthur
Arthur: Three Christmas Carols for mixed choir (SATB) a cappellaOrchestration: for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Bluebeard's Castle - op. 11Type: Klavierauszug
Language: Deutsch | Ungarisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Cantata Profana for Tenor, Baritone, mixed Choir and OrchestraOrchestration: for tenor, bartione, mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra
Type: Klavierauszug (Sonderanfertigung)
Language: Deutsch | Ungarisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Cantata Profana for tenor and baritone soloists, satb choir and orchestraOrchestration: for tenor, baritone, mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra
Type: Klavierauszug
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Carols for pianoOrchestration: for piano
Type: Noten

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Carols for saxophone quartet SATBOrchestration: for saxophone quartet (SATB)
Type: Partitur und Stimmen

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Songs for recorder choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)Type: Stimme

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Songs for recorder choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)Type: Stimme

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Songs for recorder choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)Type: Stimme

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Songs for recorder choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)Type: Stimme

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Romanian Christmas Songs for recorder choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)Orchestration: for recorder choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)
Type: Partitur

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Shepherd's Christmas Songs for mixed choir (SATB)Orchestration: for mixed choir (SATB)
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: Shepherd's Christmas Songs for mixed choir (SATB)Orchestration: for mixed choir (SATB)
Type: Chorpartitur
Language: Deutsch | Englisch

Béla Bartók
Bartók: The Wooden Prince for piano - op. 13Orchestration: for piano
Type: Klavierauszug

David Bedford
Bedford: Ein spannendes neues Spiel for musical groupOrchestration: for musical group
Type: Spielpartitur

David Bedford
Bedford: Seascapes for voices, piano and various instrumentsOrchestration: for voices, piano and various instruments
Type: Klavierauszug
Language: Englisch (Großbritannien)