Sira Hernandez
Tre Impressioni sulla Divina Commedia
Duration: 62'
Translation, reprints and more
Sira Hernandez
Drei Impressionen zur Göttlichen KomödieType: Noten
Sira Hernández, offers us a beautiful journey through the great work of Dante Alighieri, offering us a colossal work for solo piano in three parts, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, which, in turn, are divided into six parts each.
In the words of Sira Hernández, “My three impressions on the Divine Comedy are not intended to describe or add a sound column to this immense work, it would be impossible and absurd. They are just that, sound impressions... that aroma, that intangible and fleeting trace, like the music itself, which has left in my reading of these eternal verses, a deep and subtle fluttering of sensations that transform into sounds and silences from the depths. of my being”.