Joan Gómez Alemany
*10 August 1990
Works by Joan Gómez Alemany
Joan Gómez Alemany begins the Bachelor in Composition with Oliver Rappoport (Conservatori del Liceu) and finishes it with Clemens Gadenstätter (Kunst Universität Graz). He has a Master’s in Composition (KUG) with Franck Bedrossian and a Master’s in Opera and Musik-Theater (KUG) with Gadenstätter. He also has a Degree in Piano, starting at the Conservatori Superior de València Joaquín Rodrigo and finishing at the Conservatori del Liceu and a Degree in Fine Arts (Universitat Politècnica de València). He is currently making a PhD (UPV) with a thesis on artistic interdisciplinarity. From 2018 to 2020 he had Pierluigi Billone as his private teacher. He received individual lessons with composers Mark Andre, Raphaël Cendo, Brian Ferneyhough, Ashley Fure, Dmitri Kourliandski, José Manuel López López, Michael Maierhof, Hèctor Parra, Alberto Posadas, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, Yann Robin, José María Sánchez-Verdú, Rebecca Saunders, Mauricio Sotelo, among others. Gómez Alemany combines musical creation, visual arts and cinema, in continuous dialogue, with writing essays and criticism mainly on music and art.
His compositions have been commissioned or heard at festivals such as the Darmstädter Ferienkurse, impuls (Graz), ManiFeste-IRCAM (Paris), reMusik.org (San Petersburg), Mixtur (Barcelona), Ensems (València), COMA (Madrid), Klang (Copenhague), Lens Dans Festival (Brussels), MPArt Festival (Larissa, Greece), Festival Spaziomusica Project (Cagliari), Festival Vertixe (Vigo), Festival After Cage (Pamplona), Rafel Festival (Rafelbunyol), Àgora Actual Percussió (Xàbia), Mostra Sonora Sueca, Festival Contemporani d'Alacant, etc., and performed by musicians or ensembles such as Arditti, Nikel, Recherche, Multilatérale, Schallfeld, Adapter, Sond'Ar-te Electric Ensemble, Lumina Ensemble, Vertixe Sonora, Parcours, MCME, Delirium, Synergein Project, Grupo Cosmos 21, Container, Aer Duo, Amores Grup Percussió, IEMA, Szene Intrumental, Alxarq Percussió, BCN216, Shifter and soloists such as Ulviya Abdullayeva, Arturo Barba, Xelo Giner, Tomeu Moll-Mas, María Rubio, Avelino Saavedra, etc. As a pianist improviser he has collaborated with John Butcher, Bartolomé Ferrando, Josep Lluís Galiana, Jesús Gallardo, Amadeu Marin and the CIM.CS. His music has also been premiered by orchestras such as SWR under the direction of Gregor Mayrhofer and JOGV under the direction of Pablo Rus Broseta. In 2022 it was premiered his chamber opera (interdisciplinary project) Glücklich, die wissen, dass hinter allen Sprachen das Unsägliche steht at the Graz Opera with conducter Leonhard Garms. His music has been broadcast on ORF, SWR, RNE, À Punt FM, Catalunya Ràdio and Radio Círculo de Bellas Artes. For now, his catalogue of compositions consists of more than 80 works, some published on 10 CDs by Liquen Records, IBS Classical and Viajero Inmóvil Ex]p[rimental. His music has been heard in Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Russia, Spain and Swiss.
Gómez Alemany has written music for several short films, stands out L'Arrivée by Peter Tscherkassky and Millares 1970 by Elvireta Escobio and Manolo Millares. Some of his sound and visual works have been shown in museums such as the Pompidou Center, IVAM, MuVIM, CCCC Centro del Carmen, Fundación Antonio Pérez - Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Cuenca, Fundación Luis Seoane, MARCO de Vigo, MACA de Alicante, etc., highlighting his individual exhibition entitled Between the visual and the sound. Reappropriation of matter and material in the Fundación la Posta and Límites de la limitación on the website of the Chamber Orchestra of the Auditorium of Zaragoza («Grupo Enigma»). He has given lectures, participated in tables or presentations at the Universitat de València, Universitat Politècnica de València, MuVIM, Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània, Galería Punto, Casa de Cultura de Xàtiva, La Central (Museo Reina Sofía) and Conservatori Superior de València and Castelló. He has written in several specialized magazines, like Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Melómano, Ritmo, Eufonía, AusArt (UPV/EHU), Itamar (UV), BRAC (UB), Procedimentum and Sul Ponticello, where he writes monthly since 2018 in his own section Intercciones. He has been coordinator and writer of the book Valencia y la abstracción, construcciones con geometría y color. Trayectoria vital y creativa del artista Vicente Gómez García (1926-2012), and also Vicente Gómez García, en el décimo aniversario de su fallecimiento, an artist of whom he has curated three exhibitions for the MuVIM Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts of Xàtiva and the Sala de la Cultura de Xàtiva. Together with Alfonso de la Torre he has written the book Cartas en torno a Manolo Millares, Pablo Palazuelo y otros, as well as FERNANDO ZÓBEL. Las razones de la belleza, and with Paco Yáñez Cartografías de la música contemporánea. Ensayo, crítica e interdisciplinariedad en los siglos XX y XXI, all published by EdictOràlia. He has also been coordinator of the digital book A book about Festival Mixtur for the commemoration of its tenth anniversary. As an individual author, he has published the books CUATRO ENSAYOS SOBRE CINE. Docuficción, vídeo-carta, vídeo-ópera e interdisciplina for Generis Publishing and Música y sonido en el cineasta-compositor Charles Chaplin: Un análisis interdisciplinar de su pensamiento y trabajo artístico (de lo sonoro a la imagen) for Editorial Académica Española. He has written CD booklets for the labels Ondine Records, Liquen Records, IBS Classical and KRB Studios.
He has collaborated with the art critic Alfonso de la Torre with musical proposals for the exhibitions he has curated, such as Reinas negras of the Fundación Martín Chirino, Arte y espiritualidad. Imaginar lo extraordinario of the BBVA collection and WITH HANDS, SIGNS GROW of the 59th Biennale di Venezia. Regarding the visual arts, Gómez Alemany specializes above all in the field of cinema, photography and painting, in continuous hybridization. His filmography consists to date of more than 10 short films, 3 medium films and 4 long films. Among his short films, it is worth highlighting Cancionero y romancero de ausencias about Miguel Hernández and in collaboration with the poet Manel Rodríguez-Castelló. CONTINUUM XXI: TRACES in collaboration with the composers Alberto Arroyo, Alberto Bernal, Sergio Blardony, Manuel Sánchez García, Carlos Rojo, José Mª Sánchez-Verdú and the ensemble Continuum XXI. The short film inspired by La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas, Arma del diablo, cabeza de sin, destrucción del paraíso was premiered in the Sala Berlanga (Madrid) and it has been part of his chamber opera. Among his long films, stands out De Rerum Natura that was premiered in Facultad de Bellas Artes (UPV) and Temps i espai. Un dia s'eleva, 2018-2022 (premiered in Filmoteca de València) with the painter Josep-Marí Gómez Lozano, who for years has been filmed repainting a canvas by Vicente Gómez García for the exhibition La Casa de la Ciutat i el Bon Govern in the Exhibition hall of the Valencia City Council.
About the music
His music is generally structured through three recurrent subjects. The first is the interdisciplinary work that makes sound dialogue mainly with the plastic, literary and cinematographic arts, on equal terms. The second is sound research by exploring the instrumental possibilities beyond their current use, as well as the sculptural or materic work that sound can generate. This has caused his music to be influenced by free improvisation and to hybridize with other non-Western music, folk cultures or those studied by ethnomusicology, adquiring some of his works a ritual character that reflects on the transcendence of sound and producing an intercultural music. Finally, the third subject of his compositional production is the work with the history of music, thanks to work with digital files in his electroacustic music and the current context of the archive paradigm that the internet has generated. That is why some of his compositions make an intertextual dialogue and reflect through the use of historical materials and quotes about the musical past.